Digital Marketing Services
Guaranteed Top Google Search Results: Pay Only for Success with 10 Highly Ranked Keywords
Comprehensive Campaign Management for Guaranteed Results: Setup, Deployment, AD Creation, Design, Optimization, Dashboard, and Reporting. Minimum Clicks/Views Assured.
Explore a Range of Advertising Opportunities: Search, Ad Network, Local Leads, and G-Shopping
30% Management fee
Custom CMS WordPress Development: Focus on Functionality, Design, and Optimization
Efficient Email Marketing to a Targeted Opt-in List of 150 Million Subscribers: Leveraging 700 Targeting Parameters. Enhance Sales and Customer Retention through Conversational Texting System.
Boost Client Sales and Improve Customer Retention with our Conversational Texting System
Package 1:
SEO Ranking + FB & IG Campaign +
Google Ads 30% Management fee
Package 2:
SEO Ranking + FB & IG Campaign + Website Development + Automated Texting
10% OFF your first 3 months
Package 3:
SEO Ranking + FB & IG Campaign + Website Development + Automated Texting
25% OFF your first 6 months